Friday, April 21, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Day 9 post op

If you use Dawn dishwashing soap to clean your nose, a word to the wise--do not get the soap in your eye! It burns like fire! In the straight-on photo below, you can see the redness in my right eye.

The Desitin definitely results in more oozing that the Aquaphor did. I awoke several times during the night having to wipe the mess off the corners of my nose, the bottom of the tip of my nose, and my moustache. For the afternoon cleaning, I applied the free sample that Dr. Smith gave me, Fougera. Hopefully, it will adhere better overnight.

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Day 10 post op

The Fougera ointment did not adhere better overnight. It was similar in ooziness to the Desitin. So there were many awakenings during the night.