Monday, August 6, 2018

Wednesday, May 14, 2017
Day 34 post op
I went to my second post op appointment with Dr. Smith.  He said my nose looks better than he'd expected!  He used a swab to swab off the areas that were still a bit crusty or scabby.  He said to keep doing exactly what I've been doing and, then, when my entire nose is new, pink skin, to discontinue the Desitin and just keep my nose well-lotioned.  He reiterated that whenever I'm in the sun, to wear a hat and keep the sun off my nose.  I asked if a white covering of zinc oxide (like the surfers used to use years ago) would do the trick.  He said that would be perfect.  He wants to see me again is six weeks or so.

Thursday, December 14, 2017
8 months post op

I had noticed a new small rhinophyma nodule growing on the margin of my left nostril.  I made an appointment with Dr. Smith.  He deadened the area and shaved it off.  He then cauterized it.  Dr. Smith said it might not be a "new" instance of rhinophyma, but merely a small area that was missed during the initial surgery that had continued to grow.

I have had trouble breathing through my nose, both when sleeping and when playing tennis.  The sides of my nostrils tend to collapse when I inhale.  Breathe-Right strips help with tennis, but I commonly wake up with an extremely dry mouth. Also, the frequency and necessity of blowing my nose has changed significantly since the healing process was complete.  I must constantly carry tissues in my pocket and must blow my nose many times each day, often with little in the way of results.

Monday, August 6, 2018
16 months post op

I have had no additional nodule growths.  The problem with breathing through my mouth when sleeping and playing tennis has mostly abated.  It seems the walls of my nostrils have hardened somewhat and are resisting collapse when I inhale.  Also, my need for frequent nose-blowing has lessened.  Typically, I'll blow my nose when I get up in the morning and perhaps a time or two later in the day.